
Proof of income requirements

Thank you for applying for a Personal Reserve, loan or overdraft. To support your application, we’ll need to know some moredetails about your income.

Please print off this document, complete the short form on the next page, and submit it to us (along with your proof of income documents) within 14 days of making your original application.

Here are the supporting documents we require, depending on your circumstances.


If you’re paid monthly, please provide copies of all payslips from the previous 2 calendar months* or if you’re paid weekly, please provide copies of all payslips from the previous 8 weeks.* OR
- P60 form showing total income for the last tax year.*

* If your income is not paid into a Barclays account, please also provide copies of bank statements showing receipt of income as shown on all payslips.

- Please provide HMRC headed document confirming latest tax return calculation (SA302 form).*

* If your income is not paid into a Barclays account, please also provide copies of bank statements showing receipt of the funds as shown on SA302 form.


  • -  Private or company pension scheme: Please provide the latest annual pension statement.

  • -  Trust Fund Income: Please provide written confirmation from an accountant and tax assessment.

  • -  Court-ordered maintenance payments: Please provide the court order.

    We are also able to consider the following benefits, if they are regular:
    Child benefit, State Pension, Disability Living Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Carers Allowance, Industrial Injuries Benefit, Severe Disability Allowance:
    Please provide evidence that income is regular, along with details of any end date (if the benefit is end-dated).

If you’re applying for a temporary overdraft, or a temporary increase to an existing overdraft, to be repaid from a single source of future income (e.g. a maturing savings bond), please provide evidence showing the value of this expected income, and the date at which it will become available.


  1. Your personal 10-digit reference number(s) should have been provided to you when you made your application. Please include this in

    the section shown, as it will assist with our processing of your application. However, if you do not have them, you can still submit

    your proof of income to us as long as you have completed the other sections with your details.

  2. If you are applying for a Personal Reserve or overdraft on a joint account, evidence of income must be provided by all parties to the

    application at the same time. Please send all documents together, along with the completed sheet overleaf.

  3. All proof of income documents must be accompanied by the completed form overleaf.

  4. You should send copies of original documents. We are unable to return the documents you provide.

  5. All documents must be legible and clearly show that the income belongs to the same person(s) applying for the credit. The documents

    must also clearly show the source of this income (for example, the employer or business name and any breakdown of income such as

    salary, commission, overtime, bonuses etc.). We do not accept letters from employers as proof of income.

  6. We cannot make a final lending decision until all supporting documents have been received. Your application may still be declined, if

    (for example) we do not receive supporting documents within 14 days of the application, or if the value of the income stated on the documents does not match the amount of income that is required to support your application for credit.

Restricted - Internal

7. Once we have received and reviewed your documents, we will contact you to let you know whether your application has been successful.

[email protected]

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